If you are seeking Social Security Disability benefits in North Carolina, you could benefit from legal support. Complying with the eligibility requirements, proving the nature and cause of your disability, and following the filing process takes time and attention to detail.
A Marion, North Carolina Social Security Disability lawyer from our firm can help you complete the required paperwork and compile your medical records and financial documents to minimize the risk of denial. We can also help you amend your application to appeal a denial if you’re already received one. If you have questions about your eligibility for coverage or the services we offer at Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC, you can contact us for a free case review today.
Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits in North Carolina
The federal government established two programs to assist individuals with disabilities that prevent them from working. These programs are:
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Those who apply for one or both of these programs can receive financial support on a long-term monthly basis. Before you submit an application in Marion, you will want to determine your eligibility for coverage under either program.
Qualifying for Social Security Disability Insurance
The Social Security Administration (SSA) outlines several work-related eligibility requirements for SSDI. Namely, a qualifying recipient is one who:
- Had employment in jobs that paid into the Social Security system
- Was employed long enough and recently enough to qualify for coverage
- Is currently unemployed or working and earning less than the SSA’s threshold (changes every year)
- Has a medical condition that qualifies as a total disability
- Has a disability that prevents them from returning to work for a minimum of one full year
You could also receive SSDI benefits if you are blind, your child has disabilities, or you are the surviving spouse of someone who qualified for coverage. Our team can help you determine the amount of work credits necessary for you to collect under SSDI.
Qualifying for Supplemental Security Income
Unlike SSDI eligibility, SSI requirements focus more on income than work history. Per the SSA, applicants must have:
- A qualifying disability
- Limited income (which includes monetary support from family and benefits from other government agencies)
- Limited resources
- A disability that prevents them from working and is expected to last at least 12 consecutive months
Those who are blind or 65 and older can also apply. Note that applicants cannot be in a government-funded care facility and receive SSI benefits.
If you believe your situation meets the eligibility requirements, you can apply for monthly disability payments. Whether you want to apply for SSDI, SSI, or both, a Social Security Disability lawyer from our team can help you determine your eligibility to apply for benefits in Marion. We’ll review your case for free today.
Information You Will Need to Apply
Failing to submit a complete application could delay the approval process. When preparing your application, you must submit all of the following information:
- Social Security number
- Birth certificate
- Contact information for all health care professionals
- Dates of all hospital and clinic visits and caseworker appointments
- List of your medications and their prescribed doses
- Medical, therapy, and rehabilitation records
- List of lab work, tests, and examinations and their results
- Detailed employment history
- Most recent tax forms and statements
The application process for Social Security Disability can be time-consuming and complex, but the time it takes to process your application can also range from three to five months. However, the time it takes to process your initial application can be shortened if you provide the required information in a timely fashion.
A Social Security Disability lawyer can help you access, collect, and submit all the information and supporting documents you need. Our team can also help you understand what to expect once you apply.
Our Firm Can Help You Apply for SSD Benefits in Marion
If you believe that you, your child, or a disabled family member are entitled to Social Security Disability payments to cover living expenses, a lawyer from Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC, can guide you through the application process.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) describes how you can apply for Social Security Disability payments at your local SSA office. If your disability prevents you from applying in person, you can also apply online or by telephone. When you hire our team, we will:
- Discuss your circumstances to understand your eligibility
- Prepare your application for SSDI, SSI, or both
- Compile supporting medical and financial documents
- Submit your complete application for you
- Help you understand any communications you receive from the SSA regarding your application status
You should not have to feel left in the dark when it comes to applying for disability benefits in Marion.
We Can Also Challenge a Denial
If you applied to a Social Security Disability program and the SSA denied your application, you do not have to give up hope of receiving coverage. Our team can help you build a case to appeal your denied claim. We will examine the denial letter and your application to identify any missing or incorrect information and adjust your application before filing an appeal.
We will need to act quickly, because you must request an appeal within 60 days of your original claim denial. The appeals process typically follows the following four stages:
- The Reconsideration Phase: During which an impartial party reviews your claim, examining new and previously submitted information
- The Hearing Phase: During which an independent administrative law judge reviews your application and evidence to reach his own decision
- The Review Phase: During which the Appeals Council can make a decision on its own or send your case to an administrative law judge
- Federal Court Review: During which all evidence gets reviewed, and a final determination is made in your claim
You do not have to stop fighting if you believe you qualify for Social Security Disability payments. The appeals process can be time-sensitive, time-consuming, and stressful. You are entitled to have a lawyer or other representative with you throughout your initial filing and during an appeal.
Hire Our Social Security Disability Lawyer for Help
If a disability prevents you from supporting yourself and your family, you might qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. You could also receive coverage if you are the widow or widower of a qualified spouse, a disabled child, or another family member with blindness or low vision.
Do not hesitate to apply for coverage when you need it most. A Social Security Disability attorney on our team can help you file a claim or appeal a denial for coverage in Marion. Speak to a member of our team about your Social Security Disability claim for free when you call Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC, at (828) 286-3866 today.