If you are seeking medical and financial assistance due to a disabling condition, you may be required to take a physical disability exam. It will consist of a detailed physical exam, including taking your vital signs, and a review of any lab or diagnostic test results. The doctor who conducts the exam will report their findings to the appropriate agency.
A local personal injury law firm will offer a free review of your disability claim. A Rutherfordton Social Security Disability lawyer can help you understand what to expect during your physical disability exam and how to prepare for it. They can also help you file a complete and accurate application or file an appeal for a denied application.
What Will the Social Security Disability Physical Exam Entail?
Approval for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can take time. The process can include multiple requests for medical information and evidence about your medical condition and ability to work. In some cases, Social Security Administration (SSA) officials might need additional information to make an informed decision.
When that happens, you could be asked to take a consultative exam that will include the following:
- A comprehensive physical examination
- Laboratory tests, including bloodwork
- Imaging exams (X-rays, MRI, etc.)
- Additional medical exams or tests as needed
Waiting for approval of your SSD application can be frustrating. When a physical exam is required, it can leave you wondering what other steps will be necessary and if the SSA will approve your application.
Does Every Social Security Disability Applicant Take a Physical Disability Exam?
If the medical and other evidence in your application does not provide SSA officials with enough information to make a decision regarding your eligibility for disability benefits, they will request a physical examination. They will even schedule the appointment for you and notify you in writing.
A physical exam might also be required if you are already receiving SSDI or SSI benefits. This exam will reassess your condition and determine whether you are still eligible for SSD.
Can You Choose Your Doctor for an SSD Physical Exam?
You cannot choose the doctor who conducts the exam. However, these medical professionals still play an important role in the disability claim process.
Keep copies of your medical records, notes, and specialist consultations that define your disability and prognosis. The disability application process will request additional evidence that your disability lawyer can help you compile. They can also check the application for errors and typos that might lead to a claim denial.
Who Will Conduct the Physical Disability Exam?
The SSA will cover the cost of your consultative examination. SSA officials will also choose the doctor who conducts the examination. Once the SSA has requested an exam:
- You must keep the appointment. Failure to do so could result in a claim denial.
- Be prepared to answer questions about your disabling condition and medical history.
- Speak carefully when discussing your current condition with the treating physician.
This exam is an important part of your disability claim. If you have a Social Security disability attorney, they will collect additional medical evidence and personal information for the SSD application process. The doctor who performs the exam will provide a detailed report to SSA officials. It will contain their medical opinion on your physical limitations and ability to return to work.
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Is a Disability Claim Automatically Approved After a Physical Exam?
No. The exam is for information-gathering and assessment purposes. It will assess your initial application or a periodic review of your approved disability. After reviewing your exam, the SSA will determine whether to:
- Approve your SSD application
- Deny your SSD application
- Discontinue your SSD benefits
SSA officials will assess whether you can work (or return to work). If they deny your application or suspend your benefits, your personal injury attorney will clarify your options and next steps.
What Can You Do if the SSA Denies Your Disability Claim After the Physical Exam?
You do not have to accept a denied SSD application without fighting back. The appeals process includes the following four phases, giving you multiple opportunities to keep fighting for benefits:
- Reconsideration
- Hearing with an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)
- Review by the Appeals Council
- Federal Court Review
If a lawyer represents you, they can guide you through each of the SSD appeals phases. They will compile supplemental evidence to substantiate your claim and represent you at the ALJ hearing.
What Social Security Disability Programs Require a Physical Disability Exam?
SSA officials offer two programs for disabled individuals. Your lawyer will help you identify the appropriate program for you. They will also define parameters that could help you qualify for both programs simultaneously—these are called concurrent benefits.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
According to the SSA, SSDI benefits are available for people with a disability that prevents them from working for at least one year or is expected to cause their death. Qualified applicants must have worked long enough and recently enough and participated in the SSDI program while working.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
According to the SSA, SSI benefits are available for people who have limited resources or means of income. Qualified applicants must meet specific income guidelines.
Get Legal Support For Your Social Security Disability Claim From the Start
Applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be a complicated process. If the SSA requires you to take an exam assessing your functional limitations, we can help you understand what to expect during your physical disability exam.
We also guide you through each phase of the application process and appeal, if needed. Learn more about how hard we will fight for you by contacting our consultation team at Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC, today.