You may be considering filing for bankruptcy due to your current financial situation. If so, you should think about how to talk to your spouse about it. During this conversation, focus on your future with them. Dwelling on past mistakes or your or your spouse’s present feelings may make matters worse.
Then, when you’re ready, you and your spouse may want to consider speaking with a bankruptcy attorney from our firm. They can help you determine whether filing bankruptcy would be best for you and your spouse. If so, your lawyer will guide you through the filing process.
How to Talk About Bankruptcy with Your Spouse
Bankruptcy may be the best option for improving your and your spouse’s financial situation. The two of you will have to discuss the option together, though.
This discussion may be difficult, but throughout it, it can help you focus on the future. Base the conversation on some of the benefits of filing for bankruptcy, such as clearing some of your debt.
Stay Focused
To stay focused on the future, you shouldn’t dwell on topics regarding the past or the present. For example, at a point in the conversation, the topic of what led to your financial situation will likely come up, but you shouldn’t dwell on it. Instead, discuss it for a short while, then redirect the conversation toward the future.
You or your spouse may feel like venting about past mistakes or your current feelings. It may be best to avoid doing so since it could lead to an argument, and an argument won’t lead to a resolution.
What Is the Next Step After Discussing Bankruptcy with Your Spouse?
After you’ve talked about bankruptcy with your spouse, you can show them you’re committed to improving your future together. Tell them about developing a plan for the future. Bankruptcy opens up certain possibilities and opportunities for couples, so consider bringing them up during this conversation.
Also, mention to them that seeing a financial lawyer from our firm could benefit your situation. The lawyer would go over the different types of bankruptcy filings and discuss which one would be best for you. Your lawyer could also help you prepare, plan, and file for bankruptcy. However, there may be other options that better suit your situation, so be sure to ask your attorney about alternatives.
Something else a lawyer from our firm could do is negotiate with your creditors on your behalf. This may help you restructure or even eliminate your debt. Depending on your situation, the type of bankruptcy Chapter your lawyer recommends, their negotiations with the creditor, and other factors, you may be successful in eliminating debt.
The Debts You May Be Able to Negotiate or Have Discharged
After your lawyer recommends a bankruptcy Chapter, they may be able to go over some of the debts you could negotiate or have discharged. You could negotiate many of the following debts or have them discharged:
- Unsecured debts, such as a credit card, medical, student, or personal loan, or rental debts
- Secured debts, such as car or mortgage loans
- Priority debts, like income tax debts or certain fines
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About Our Bankruptcy Attorneys in North Carolina and South Carolina
One of our firm’s main practice areas is bankruptcy law, so we are ready to assist you with your financial situation. We’ll help you decide whether bankruptcy is your best option, and if so, we will work to negotiate your debt, plan for the future, and start fresh. Also, since we practice family law too, we may be able to help both you and your spouse resolve any disputes or other issues related to your financial situation.
Our attorneys are committed to excellence, so you can expect us to do everything in our power to help you achieve the results you’re looking for. Declaring bankruptcy may seem daunting, but with one of our attorneys aiding you, you and your spouse may find it easier to deal with bankruptcy and focus on your future together.
Finally, our team offers free consultations, so getting advice from us won’t cost you a dime.
Contact Us to Learn More About How to Discuss Bankruptcy with Your Spouse
To learn more about your options for bankruptcy in a free consultation, contact Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC, today. During our meeting, we’ll help you better understand your financial situation and advise you on how to address it.
If you hire one of our bankruptcy lawyers, you’ll be able to rely on them to help you and your spouse resolve your situation together.