In most cases, if you are employed, your decision to file for bankruptcy protection will not negatively impact your job. Your bankruptcy filing will be reported to credit agencies, and it will affect your credit score. When you apply for new job opportunities, some employers may check your credit and may consider your creditworthiness alongside your application.
Our law firm will help you better understand the benefits of filing for bankruptcy, including giving yourself a fresh financial start. We will also explain how bankruptcy can affect your job and your immediate and long-term employment and financial future. Having this information can help you determine how you want to go about managing your finances.
You Cannot Face Discrimination for Declaring Bankruptcy
According to 11 US Code § 525(b), no private employer can fire you or otherwise discriminate against you for seeking bankruptcy protection. In almost all bankruptcy cases, your employer does not even become aware of your filing status.
When our law firm represents you, we help you understand the benefits of bankruptcy and the relief it can offer by erasing or reorganizing your insurmountable debt. Doing so can sometimes allow you to take home more of your paycheck from your current job. This benefit of filing is called an automatic stay, and it prevents any garnishing of your paycheck.
Bankruptcy Protects You From Debt Collectors
Choosing bankruptcy can do more than increase the size of your paycheck if your wages are being garnished. It can also relieve you of the headache of intrusive and persistent debt collection agencies.
According to 11 US Code § 526, after you file for bankruptcy, debtors cannot contact you or make any further demands for payment of your debts. If it happens anyway, inform a team member right away. We can help ensure your debtors are aware of your status and help take action against debtors who disregard it.
Let Us Help You Choose the Best Bankruptcy Option for You
While the legal system will allow you to seek bankruptcy protection on your own, the U.S. Courts outline the benefits of hiring a bankruptcy attorney to help you navigate a complex system. Our attorney will:
- Explain bankruptcy law and procedures
- Help you choose the right bankruptcy type
- Complete and submit your bankruptcy petition
- Explain which debts are dischargeable
- Clarify the credit and tax consequences of bankruptcy
We also represent you in court, ensuring creditors are aware of your rights and their own responsibilities. We obtain, complete, and submit all required forms and make your case gets the time and attention it deserves.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
In the majority of cases, if you opt for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will be able to retain all your real and personal assets because you are unlikely to have what are called non-exempt assets. That means all of your qualifying debts will be discharged. If your regular bills far exceed your regular income, we can help you take advantage of this type of bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 – sometimes called the wage earner’s bankruptcy – can help you discharge qualifying debts and create a realistic payment plan for other debts. It can help you keep your home and other property and repay your debt over a three-to-five-year period. If you meet the allowable debt threshold, we can help you benefit from this type of bankruptcy.
Our Team’s Commitment to You
When clients work with our law firm to help alleviate debt, we handle your bankruptcy case with compassion and understanding and without judgment. Previous clients say:
- “This is a law firm that actually cares about its clients, with high integrity and moral support… and I would highly recommend them to anyone.” – John Hudson
- “What a great firm. I highly recommend Farmer & Morris… Thank you so much for all your help and caring.” – Heidi Towns
- “Mrs. Gabrielle Valentine was an excellent lawyer. [I] couldn’t have done any better! Very professional and knowledgeable.” – Layne Rathbun
- “Attorney Gabrielle Valentine more than exceeded my expectations… She was easy to communicate with, and… I highly recommend her.” – Jennifer Stevens
- “My experience with Gabriel Valentine was excellent, very professional and great staff! I absolutely recommend working with her.” – Alberto Sarmiento
Read more about our outstanding client service on our testimonials page, and see why you can rely on us throughout the bankruptcy process.
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Contact One of Our Team Members Today
Are you ready to find out how we can ensure bankruptcy does not affect your job or your ability to start over? Contact one of our Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC, team members by calling (828) 286-3866 today.